The Office

The Office
Relaxing enviroment, walk in's welcome, 2400 N. Croatan Hwy. , Kill Devil Hills 252-261-8885

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Chiropractic is Good

It's been a long time since my last post.  I am still at 2400 N. Croatan Hwy in KDH.  I am in the office Wednesday and Friday 11-1 & 3-6. 

Just wanted to touch base.  I will dropping a line now and again.  I look forward to writing more.

Peace & Gratitude

Dr. Gene      

Monday, September 27, 2021

Chiropractic for all

 Hello everyone.  Just thinking about the benefits of Chiropractic on humanity.  Everyone regardless of physical ability can benefit form Chiropractic care.

The chiropractic adjustment must be specific and correct the Subluxation (mis alignment) in order to remove interference from the nerve system.  That alone can benefit all humanity, because nerve interference in and of itself is always a detriment to the human body.

I personally get my spine checked every week sometimes more and that is what I recommend to all.  I would never recommend anything without first trying it.  Once a week I believe is the best route to take.

Hope everyone is happy, healthy and strong


Dr. gene

Friday, February 23, 2018

One Being

Do you take the time to just be?  We are at a crossroads where technology is still going in the direction it needs to, which is up, and our being, finally acknowledging that our brains can not keep up.  There are more mental disorders these days than years of past such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, ADHD, PTSD, etc...  Research has been coming out and we are discovering that our connectiveness, and technology in general are major causes.
I am not against technology, however we need to use it to our advantage and not let it use us and that is a topic for another post. 
There are a few simple things we can do now to combat the fatigue from technology.  One is to start a simple practice of just being.  Find a quiet spot and just sit, close your eyes and focus on your breath.  It can be a minute or longer, which ever you make time for.
Eating, next time you eat, just eat.  Be grateful and mindful of just eating, and you will enjoy it more.  And finally, disconnect from all screens at least one hour before bed.
So you may ask what does this have to do with Chiropractic?  Just an analogy.  Subluxations are like technology and they will cause as much havoc to your brain.
Getting your subluxations corrected will allow you to just be.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Getting out there

I know most of my posts here are Chiropractic related however I would like to digress a bit and talk about getting out there.  What I mean about getting out there is this; sharing ideas, showing your work, talking to strangers, and helping others.
We all have great ideas, and many of those ideas can be expanded upon if we share them with others.  With the advent of the digital platform we are able to get our work out there whenever, and to whomever at any given time, and most is free.
Take Chiropractic for instance, I am always sharing ideas with my colleagues and also with my practice members.  I am always excited when someone in the office strikes an interesting conversation.  This usually leads to more creativity and ideas.
Be humble and listen to those who do and don't know as much as you.
Get out there and share your work.

Dr. Gene

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Epigenetics and Chiropractic

The study of Epigenetics is fairly new on the Scientific scene.  It has caught my interest and hopefully it will catch yours.  Epigenetics is the study of changes in the organism (us) caused by a modification of gene expression rather than altering the genetic code.  In short our genes can change from the internal and external stimuli we encounter or create.  Imagine that, we can change the expression of that cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. gene from ever affecting our body from changes in our environment, lifestyle and thoughts.
Our social, emotional, cultural and economic environment impact the influence of the expression of our genes.  Thoughts and emotions account for up to 80% of influence on the brain and body as well as exercise, sunlight and everything we choose to put into or onto our body.
So how does this tie into Chiropractic?
Simply put, the brain and body are in constant communication via the nerve system (brain and spinal cord).  There are over 30 trillion cells in the body all wanting to work in total harmony through proper communication and this is achieved from a clear signalling process.
This process involves the tiny nerves that exit the bones of the back which become misaligned on a daily basis also from internal and external stimuli and sometimes get stuck (vertebral subluxation) thus causing major interference and wreaking havoc in our bodies!
I'm not sure about you but I want that system to be fully functioning so all my good thoughts, assimilation from the wholesome foods I eat, and the new construction of muscle, bone, nerve and brain cells are all being optimized.
So to be sure no spinal misalignments are present you need to have your spine checked at least once a week.  I personally get my spine checked 2-3 times per week.  This ensures that my nerve system is being fully optimized to do its job.
You are not only what you eat, but you are what you think!
Think good thoughts, live in harmony with nature and express gratitude everyday and your life will be enhanced beyond anything you imagined.

Dr. Gene


Monday, July 11, 2016

Mission Statement

It's always good to re read your mission statement now and again.  I drafted this in 1999 and still adhere to it!

                                                            Mission Statement 
We are here to provide a service to this community unlike any other. 

We have a fee system that is very affordable, because EVERY man, woman and child needs and deserves Chiropractic care.

We provide pure non-therapeutic Chiropractic care without compromise.  We walk with truth. 

Our objective is to analyze, locate and bring about correction of vertebral subluxations because in and of themselves, they are a detriment to the expression of Life!

Everyone needs and deserves Chiropractic care.  Once again, we thank you for trusting us to take care of you and your family.  We look forward to a long lasting friendship.

In trust,

Gene Flynn, DC

Family Chiropractic of the Outer Banks

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Stopping something good?!

I really do not like starting an entry with a negative connotation, but for this I must.  It behoves me why someone would stop doing something that is good for them.  I mean we all know water is essential an a vital element for survival, yet most seem to ignore it and choose something like soda, tea, milk, etc...  We know that exercise is good for us yet most don't do it?  We know whole foods are far superior than processed but yet choose the latter.  Why seems to be the big question, but to me it is the WHY not that is even a bigger question.  To answer that question we need psychoanalysis of human nature which is far beyond the scope of this post.  And I digress- Science proves that a nerve system free from interference is a better functioning nerve system, so why would you not get your spine checked and adjusted if necessary?  And if you know it is good for you why on earth would you stop?!
Here in my office I do all I can to remove obstacles that would prevent you from coming in weekly.  No appointments necessary, very affordable fees, and the best quality Chiropractic that I can provide.
So, WHY not?

I will see you all this week.
Thank you!

Dr. Gene