As a licensed Chiropractor in NC we can perform many forms of healing, like; Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Cold laser, decompression, etc... The list goes on. The only thing we can't do is draw blood. So I am often asked, WHY I don't do those other things. The answer is quite simple to me. The very core of Chiropractic is to find a mis alignment (Vertebral Subluxation) and "adjust" it by hands back in place. Kiro- Praxsis, Latin for Chiropractic means "done by Hands." All the other therapies I mentioned are good and needed at times- but quite simply put- They are not Chiropractic.
The true essence of Chiropractic is "non-theraputic." Not meant to make you feel good, to fix things, or get you out of pain. The #1 job of the Chiropractor is to find the mis-alignment (VS), adjust by hands only to move it, and that removes the interference between the brain and body. That procedure WORKS every time.
Now don't get me wrong, things do clear up, people do get well, etc... But if your ailment does not go away, just remember that your body is better off having a clear path of brain to body communication then not. So Chiropractic does work every time you get adjusted!
I keep Chiropractic seperate and distinct from ALL other professions in my office.
Hope to see you soon,
Dr. Gene
Love it, Gene! Way to explain it simple and precise. If you don't mind, I would like to borrow...with credit of course! -Michael Duncan
ReplyDeleteAnytime Mike. Thanks Bro
DeleteBaby Saylor and I miss you and will be coming in soon. I know it's very important for our health!
ReplyDeleteHey Morgan, miss you guys too.. Hope to see you soon.
DeleteDr. Gene
Looking great Gene, as always you continue to inspire me to be the best I can be, for myself and my practice members. Looking forward to seeing you in July!! Keep up the great work!!
ReplyDeleteMiss you bud,
This is awesome!
ReplyDeleteHow to Find a Good Chiropractor