Thanks for taking the time to read.
Some of you may have been to my office and some may not. This first entry will deal with the importance of regular weekly care.
It is as important as eating and drinking. Our body relies on the communication between the brain and all the systems to function properly. In comes an allie or foe- STRESS. Physical, chemical and emotional stress effects our body 24 hours a day. That in turn causes spinal mis alignments to occur.
Some you can feel and some you may not, yes that is correct, may not. In Chiropractic the term we use for this mis alignment is a Vertebral Subluxation (VS for short)
These VS disrupt and interfere with the very process needed to function correctly. They cut the communication between the brain and the body!!
Now, I don't know about you, but I do not want any interference in this system. That is why it is imperative to get your spine checked for these VS every week and get them corrected via the Chiropractic adjustment so that your body and your LIFE can reach its full potential.
So you see, pain or no pain these VS can occur on a daily base and it behooves you to get in and get them corrected.
My office reflects that belief. Our one time per week visit is only $20. Everyone can afford Chiropractic care in my office!
Thank you and hope to see you soon,
Dr. Gene
blog site looks great Gene! Hope to see you in there soon.
Love the blog site Dr. Gene! Nice job! Andrew and I will try to be faithful patients! Holidays are coming up so may not see you for a couple months but we will be back! :)